Winter Time... BLAH!

This is too funny. I thought I posted this a week or two ago but apparently not…

We are now fully into winter here in the Midwest. It’s cold as all get out, there’s a foot of snow on the ground, and even colder weather is coming, Needless to say, outdoor activities are quite limited short of hunting but even those are dwindling as certain seasons are closing.

I like to use the cold winter months a variety of ways.

The first thing I like to do is a deep-dive inventory analysis. What do I have, what did I move, what did I use, what items are running low, what items were not used at all. These are the questions and many like it, that I try and answer during an inventory analysis. Don’t get me wrong, I keep up to date all year long with items like consumables but sometimes that post-it note reminder goes through the wash before the data is inserted into the spreadsheet(s).

Another activity I usually pursue is indoor range time, sporting clays, and duck/goose/pheasant hunting. Unfortunately, with all of the mishegoss associated with the election, the availability of ammo is quite precarious so I’m loathe to expend ammo frivolously right now. I have had some good luck going to a couple gun shows in the region in terms of finding popular calibers at reasonable prices but the masses are starting to catch on. If you don’t get there when the doors open the first day you might find yourself holding a fist-full of cash instead of heavy-ass grocery bag laden with ammo!

Truth be told, I started buying all of my ammo at gun shows long before the 2020 election cycle. The reason for this is simple. Brick and mortar stores started swiping/scanning my ID for every ammo purchase. It used to be that they just visually verified your age. Not any more. The first time a cashier asked for my ID and started to swipe it through their card reader I stopped them, questioned what they were doing, took my ID back, left all of the ammo on the counter, and walked out. It is none of the government’s business how much ammo I bought and of what caliber. Ever.