Big Doing's

The narrator and I received word last week from ACX that the audio recording for Part I of the series, When Rome Stumbles, has passed the final check, been processed, and is now uploaded and available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes!

ACX furnished 25 promo codes for the US and another 25 for the UK to each of us to distribute. Sooooo, the first 25 people in each country to email the publisher at can get a free audio copy of When Rome Stumbles!

This is a momentous occasion and we couldn’t be happier!

And in other news…

Today marks the start of week 10 that I’ve been home due to COVID-19. By and large, I’ve required the least amount of adjustment in the family since I had the capability to work from home for years. The wife and daughters… well let’s just say there have been good days and bad days. Thankfully… mercifully, the girls are done with the school year this Friday and the wife follows a week later. After that, all three are ‘officially’ on summer break. We are hearing rumors that some private clubs may be opening their pools for the summer but we’ll have to wait and see what the Governor has to say about that. Can’t say life is gonna improve on the home front if they are all on summer break and NOTHING is open!

Final thoughts…

I think the American people finally understand that they:

  • Should not rely on the government to provide anything.

  • Should not believe FEMA recommendations regarding limited preparedness supplies on hand.

  • Should ALWAYS have as much as they can afford to stockpile on hand for emergencies (ironically, or coincidentally, I have always recommended a month’s worth of supplies).

The acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) has just released the names of those in government that requested Gen. Flynn’s name to be unmasked. Things are about to get even more interesting as we march toward election day.