Welcome to the David J. Kershner website!

I have created this website so readers can keep better track of my writing, podcast, thoughts on a given topic, and generally what I support/abhor. Also, with a website, I don’t have to worry about being banned, shadow banned, doxed or whatever… so there’s that.

Speaking of politics…. here’s a countdown clock to the replacement of the idiot-in-chief and the return of sanity to both Houses of Congress.

The following is what you can expect to find on my website:

Website Breakdown

  • My Works: See what’s been published in terms of books and interviews and what I'm currently working on.

  • Blog: I used to write more but with the two podcasts I tend to discuss my thoughts there instead of writing.

  • My Works: Take a look at all of the book I’ve written thus far.

  • Podcast: Catch the latest from my two shows here or on the CRN website and on popular podcast sites.

  • Resources: Review data I find important like PMs, seeds, gun shows, and assorted research I’ve performed.

  • Recipes: Download a whole host of recipes from some of my non-fiction books and family favorites.

  • Contact: Use this page to reach out to me with comments, ideas, or for whatever you like.

  • About: Read all about ME!

  • Archive: Find archived episodes of the podcasts and the blog I used to maintain.

So, thank you for stopping by… and by all means, ENJOY!

Oh, and we also have an Etsy shop containing a number of fun t-shirt and sweatshirts. Feel free to peruse that site and make suggestions via the Contact page as well! Visiting our Etsy shop here at DesignsbyDandTStore

Shameless Self-Promotion

Below is the cover art for all five parts of the Foreign & Domestic series. The final two Parts (published together in March of 2019) brings the series to a satisfying conclusion. All five Parts of the series are available on Amazon.com (paperback, electronic, and audio) and you can get all of these installments for less than $20.00 (Kindle). Just sayin’…

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And here’s the cover art for my three non-fiction works. Just a Small Gathering (JASG) was published in 2012. My co-author and I planned a follow-up to JASG but then he went an opened a series of restaurants and we weren’t able to find the time to finish Part II. However, that being said, I think Volume II might start back up here in the not so distant future. Home Remedies, Poultices, Salves, & Tinctures was published in November 2020 while Preparing to Prepare: A General Guide to Self-Sufficiency & Preparedness was published in January 2021.

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